How We Work - Our Evaluation Process
Initial Phone Call
To begin your journey with “Now We’re Talking” Pediatric Therapy, Inc, a member of our office team will listen to your concerns and needs and collect the information for our client intake form. This information includes things like your child’s name, date of birth, address, phone, email, parents’ names and physician's name. We will also ask about your specific concerns and any medical or therapy history.

Therapist Evaluation
Once we know your concerns, we can match your child up with a therapist who would best meet their needs. We will get the doctor's order and any prior authorization if and when necessary, per your insurance plan. It is ultimately your responsibility to call your insurance company to verify benefits for the services needed. Check out our insurance information page to learn more.
Soon after speaking with our office crew, one of our amazing therapists will contact you themselves to set up a time for an evaluation. Most evaluations take about 45 minutes to an hour and are play-based. During this time, the therapist will gather both standardized formal information as well as informal clinical data in order to see where your child’s strengths and weaknesses lie.
Putting A Plan In Place
Our therapists will then analyze the data and write a report with customized goals to work on with your child. You will receive both a copy of the report and a call from the therapist to discuss the outcomes and, if necessary, create a schedule for therapy. The frequency and duration of therapy depends on your child’s needs. Typically, speech therapy is 1-2 times per week for 30 minutes and occupational and physical therapy is typically 1-2 times per week for 45 minutes to an hour. Once you have your child’s report and ICD-10 diagnostic code, you are encouraged again to call your insurance company and verify what, if anything, your plan would cover for that specific ICD-10 diagnostic code.